Highlighting the creative economy of Mississippi through podcasts, videos, & photos

Friday, October 31, 2014

Mississippi Happening interviews Dirty Bourbon River Show!

To continue our interview series for the 2014 VOODOO Experience,  we are super stoked to give you our interview with the  Dirty Bourbon River Show!  

Dirty Bourbon River Show
NOV 2  |  12:15PM - 1:15PM  |  Ritual Stage

Dirty Bourbon River Show deftly melds sounds that range from hard-edged blues to Lisztian piano driven ballads to New Orleans brass into a result that is truly a blast of new energy into the musical landscape. Dirty Bourbon grabs hold of audiences, fascinated by their eccentricity and dexterity coupled with their ability to harken back to by-gone eras in music.Since forming in early 2009, the Dirty Bourbon River Show has released 6 studio albums and played over 500 live shows, fast earning them a stellar reputation for their tight, multi-faceted sound and high-energy performances. They can be found bringing their blend of “New Orleans Gypsy Brass Circus Rock” all over the USA, performing at festivals and respected venues year-round. 

Listen to DBRS:

Watch DBRS:

Mississippi Happening interview with 
Dirty Bourbon River Show

Mississippi Happening:  Where did the name Dirty Bourbon River Show come from?

DBRS: I originally wanted to call the band "The Beekeepers" and release live bees at the show but the rest of the band thought that I was crazy and so I went back and meditated for another night and pulled these four words out of the sky Dirty Bourbon River Show and damn it felt right

Mississippi Happening:   What led you to New Orleans?

DBRS:  I've visited New Orleans many times before moving here I always knew it was going to be the place I would move to one day and then I moved here

Mississippi Happening:   Coming from another city, how has New Orleans influenced the way you play music?  

DBRS: I didn't play any music in any other cities I have only played music in New Orleans so I think that it's just the way it is the New Orleans Way

Listen to DBRS: 

Mississippi Happening: What are your favorite things about New Orleans? 

DBRS:  I have so many favorite things about New Orleans first and foremost definitely the people definitely the people that make this city and then everything its environment the architecture the food the music the history it's the most wonderful place in the world

Mississippi Happening:  What can the audience look forward to seeing at your show?

DBRS:  The audience can expect to see the greatest show on earth literally the best music people playing all sorts of instruments everything dancing women fire it's amazing

Mississippi Happening:  Will you be dressing up for Halloween, if so, what will you be?

DBRS: Yes we will definitely be dressing up for Halloween we are going to be Luchadors I'm going to be Estrella Roja

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